Blue water veterans get Agent Orange benefits
The US military used herbicides to clean trees and plants during the Vietnam War, such as Agent Orange. The soldier sprayed Agent Orange with trucks, hand sprayers and planes. It is used by the enemy to cover and hide because it is very effective. Unfortunately, the herbicides also infected food and water, eventually causing disease for every soldier down there in the water. Blue Water veterans are members of the Navy who served 12 km from Vietnam. VA compiled an inventory of Navy and Coast Guard ships that were most likely exposed to the herbicide during the war. The list contains the following 5 categories of ships: • operate mainly or solely on inland waterways in Vietnam • short operation of inland waterways in Vietnam • moored on the shore or on a dam in Vietnam • operate in the closed coastal waters of Vietnam for long periods, with proof that crew members have gone ashore • Operate in the closed coastal waters of Vietnam for long periods of time, with proof that smaller ships of...